Taking care of your health will always be in fashion. Moderate physical activity will allow you not only to stay in great shape, but also to boast of a perfect body. Running, cycling, and swimming will help you work out your muscles evenly, improve lung and heart function, normalize sleep, speed up your metabolism, and always stay in a good mood. What if you want to work out a specific area, increase the volume of your biceps, or “make” perfect abs? Exercise machines by muscle group are your faithful assistants and reliable friends in this matter.

Exercising on weight machines is necessary for everyone who wants to give and maintain a beautiful muscle definition. Modern gyms are full of various sports equipment, the effect of which is aimed at both comprehensive training of the whole body and work with a specific area. Often, novice athletes don’t exercise on the equipment for one simple reason – they don’t know how to exercise on it. There is no reason to be ashamed. Consult a trainer: he or she will not only instruct you on how to use the selected model, but also create a training program. If you decide to equip a gym in your home, then first study the characteristics of the main sports units.

Classification of exercise equipment by muscle group

  • For the back. A sedentary lifestyle often leads to disruption of the spine, which adversely affects the body as a whole: normal blood circulation is disrupted, sleep and mood deteriorate. To restore flexibility to the back, it is important to strengthen the spinal muscles. A well-designed training program and the right products will give you back your proud posture. Lower and upper deadlifts, mini-stations, crossover, angled press, hyperextension are popular types of sports equipment;
  • For the abs. Boasting perfect abdominal cubes – myth or reality? Of course, if you lie on the couch and dream of a great body, you won’t go any further than a dream. If you’re focused on results, you’ll have to sweat it out. Give up junk food, leave your laziness on the couch, and get to work. You can work out on a Roman chair, a flat and curved bench, a press machine – you choose depending on which area you decide to pay attention to. The equipment will help you work out the upper and lower oblique abdominal muscles;
  • For the legs. Slender legs are the result of systematic work on yourself, not a gift of nature. Giving the desired relief to the hips and calves, tightening the buttocks – nothing is impossible. The main thing is to choose the right products and train regularly, improving the effectiveness of your own achievements each time. The hip extensor, hook machine, press machine, and lower leg machine will help make your legs beautiful and attractive;
  • For the arms. Sculpted biceps are a delight. Sure, you can carry heavy shopping bags, but that’s not enough to achieve your goal. With the right designs, you will work your hands, forearms, shoulders, and shoulder girdle. Hinged horizontal bars and dumbbells are the main units that are purchased for home use. They take up minimal space and allow you to strengthen your muscles. If you want to bring your biceps to perfection, then include in the program complexes for triceps and delta stations, Scott’s console, chest press;
  • For the chest. Products will help not only build up this group of muscle tissue, but also increase the size of the bust! Butterfly, hammer, expander, overhead press, horizontal and angled press are the most popular equipment that allow you to effectively pump and give the desired volume.